Hey everybody! Today is my first stream. I spent sometime brainstorming about the design of the game. Here are my notes:
Kitten Stream Game
I want to make a 2D simulation of a single room in a house. In the room will be a 2d sprite representing a cat.
The room will be completely visible at first (no side scrolling)
- on the left will be a bed where the feet are facing the camera
- there will be a desk in the background next to the bed
- next to the desk will be a cat condo
- next to the cat condo will be a litter box
- under the bed will be food and water
The cat will do the following actions randomly
- go to the water bowl and drink
- go to the food bowl and eat
- disappear inside the litter box (you can only see its eyes)
- climb the cat condo
- sleep
Things to figure out
- where can i get 2D art as placeholders?
Crazy stretch goals
- ui stable diffusion to convert photos from people of their cats into in-game 2d assets
- “cat”-aracter creator – you can build up your cat from common types of cats
- able to add yourself into a streamer’s instance by donating tokens
- the room is now a house or apartment that remains focused on the streamer’s cat and the cat runs around the house and interacts with visiting cats
- you can customize the house adding things like:
- feather toys
- cat condos
- shelf / ladder / climbing along the walls things
- cat treats
- you can interact with the cat
- brush it
- clip nails
- clean ears
- brush teeth
things to remember
- resist the urge to do unity or unreal
- resist the urge to do a lot of upfront devops, repository setup – focus on getting started
- setup a VM (need to reboot i think?) to start as my blank slate
- do need to spend some time learning how to setup OBS
Things I know I need to learn
- some kind of game engine, https://godotengine.org/
- where to get placeholder art
- what kind of REST api is available for twitch, joystick