No stream recording today, forgot to hit record! Woops! Between streams, I found this AI copilot service called phind. I’m not sponsored by them, just a customer. I signed up after I saw a thread on reddit. It kind of knows godot4, but it makes mistakes and answers in godot3 frequently. The thing that is most helpful about it is that it tells me where to look.

Fixing Navigation
So I worked with phind and it seemed like after going back and forth, that my problem might be that there is something wrong with the polygons defining where the navigation agent is allowed to route the character. I cleared all of the navigation data and drew all of the navigation polygons again.

It was so satisfying to see the cat successfully navigating to the cat bed.
Cat in da Bed
The next thing I worked on was making it so when the cat got close to the bed, the cat bed’s texture would change to that of one with the cat in the bed. The cat player would fade out. First up, drawing the new texture. I used GIMP for this and just took the cat sprite and made it an additional layer on the bed.

I had some trouble remembering how to use GIMP, it had been a while and I had to google how to scale a layer. After that, I used the code suggestions from Phind to implement the texture swap. And now the big reveal, you can see the kitty navigating to the cat bed and fading out and the bed showing the cat in the bed.