Today’s accomplishments:
- Cat can now navigate pretty much anywhere in the bedroom and mostly reach the location.
- When cat reaches the bed, they fade out and the bed sprite shows the cat in the bed.
I was so happy today when I finally got the pathing / navigating working correctly. When I started the stream, I added some debugging code that showed me that the “avoidance” code was slowing the cat down to zero. So despite having set avoidance on or off – it was having no effect. Phind recommended that I try having different avoidance layers for each of the objects. I tried that and it kind of worked. It didn’t really do what I want until I realized that the navigation agent uses the mask to determine what it has to avoid. The navigation agent’s avoidance layer only affects other navigators. That was a crucial misunderstanding on my part.
I did some work in Gimp and Libresprite to create some animation of the cat being inside the litter box. It wasn’t the best art I’d ever seen, but it really added some depth to the game. I basically took my litter box sprite and copied the eye color from the cat sprite and added it into the litter box sprite as a layer and then moved it around in from frame to frame.

Towards the end of the stream, I worked on trying to find a better cat sprite. The sprite sheet I had was not evenly spaced, so I couldn’t easily import it into Godot. Unfortunately, all of the other ones I located seemed to have the same issue. I’m going to do some research off stream on how to deal with uneven sprite sheets. I don’t want to have hand edit the sprite sheet to make it even.
Here is the last working state of the game:
And here is the stream recording: