Hey folks! Life has been keeping me really busy lately, so I missed streaming for a few weeks. I’m planning on returning to my normal streaming schedule, so be sure to stop by. Since this was the first session I had done in a while, I spent time reacquainting myself with the codebase and what…
Progress on cat simulator – sitting and walking
With a lot of trial error, I was able to finally get the cat using the correct directional sprites for sitting and walking. I’m so proud of my progress today! Couple of key insights that slipped past me for way too long. When you are in the sprite frames editor, you can select whether an…
Better Cat Sprites!
Today, I spent the stream trying to cleanup some better looking (animated) cat sprites. I got them from: https://pop-shop-packs.itch.io/cats-pixel-asset-pack?download . The big problem I was having with the sheets is that they wouldn’t import as-is b/c they weren’t spaced evenly. At first I thought I was going to have to create sprite sheets for each…
Finally solved the navigation problems!
Today’s accomplishments: I was so happy today when I finally got the pathing / navigating working correctly. When I started the stream, I added some debugging code that showed me that the “avoidance” code was slowing the cat down to zero. So despite having set avoidance on or off – it was having no effect….
Navigation and more features!
Today’s stream was more chill than usual. I spent long amounts of time with no visitors. It really allowed me to focus. My goals for the stream were as follows: I got most of this done. I spent a lot of time reading the docs for godot 4 because I found that phind was not…
Shorter stream, but we got a lot done!
No stream recording today, forgot to hit record! Woops! Between streams, I found this AI copilot service called phind. I’m not sponsored by them, just a customer. I signed up after I saw a thread on reddit. It kind of knows godot4, but it makes mistakes and answers in godot3 frequently. The thing that is…
Pathing and Collisions – How do they work?
This stream was a little earlier today because of a scheduling conflict. I started out working on getting the tilemap to block off parts of the bedroom from where the cat can walk. This is important because I don’t want the cat to be able to walk through the litter box, the dresser, etc. I…
Today’s Stream: More Furniture
In today’s stream, I went through the learning process for adding more furniture to the my game. Also, I tried to figure out how to make the cat path-find their way between the cat bed and litter box. To give me something to have the cat path to, I added a litter box and cat…
3rd & 4th Streams Complete!
Hey, forgot to post an update yesterday. Yesterday, I spent a bit of time investigating how to make 2D sprites. I found some free kitty sprites and then spent the rest of the stream trying to figure out how to properly import them into Godot. I also found LibreSprite for editing sprites. At the end…
Second stream complete!
Hey folks, I had a great time streaming today. Several people popped into say hello and talk about video games for a bit. I finished the 2D game tutorial for godotengine. Next stream, I’ll decide whether I want to go through the 3D game tutorial or just get started trying to make stuff work for…